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Tag: Ocaml

vim and ocaml (workaround for Dark)

Vim has always been hard to set up, and more so with OCaml. Here, I’ll show you a workaround on how to configure vim for it, and as a bonus, how to prepare it to contribute to Dark. # Lexicon # A New Beginning For some reason, I had it working on my old laptop, but getting the exact same OCaml version and vimrc on my new one gets me a bunch of errors, hence the workaround: I am confident that I’ll make it work someday, but for now we’ll do a new vimrc and put back stuff from the old one.

OCaml Development on Windows

# Some statements We all have our own constraints when it comes to development tooling, so we compromise. In my case, I like Linux and Mac OS, but I often have to work on Windows. It’s no secret that Windows sucks for development, specially for modern web development. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) helps a lot, but it has its limits. OCaml is no exception on Windows sucking for development, the installation build breaks even on WSL, that’s what we’ll fix today.