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Tag: dark

OCaml Development on Windows

Some statements We all have our own constraints when it comes to development tooling, so we compromise. In my case, I like Linux and Mac OS, but I often have to work on Windows. It’s no secret that Windows sucks for development, specially for modern web development. Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) helps a lot, but it has its limits. OCaml is no exception on Windows sucking for development, the installation build breaks even on WSL, that’s what we’ll fix today.

Simple Microblogging: Dark API

A simple intro to Dark and Svelte, building a simplified Twitter-like microblog. Lexicon Dark Also known as Darklang (the SEO term), it’s a deployless backend with its own functional programming language and editor. Svelte A Server-Side Generated (SSG) JavaScript framework that is fast and elegant. 🐇 Into the Rabbit Hole Here’s what we are doing: Design a simplified version of Twitter, where users can post tweets, follow/unfollow others, and is able to see the 10 most recent tweets in the user’s news feed.

Tutorial: writing a Microsoft Teams Bot (an introduction to Dark)

This tutorial is relevant to write bots with functions and other backends beside Dark. Lexicon Dark Also known as Darklang (the SEO term), it’s a deployless backend with its own functional programming language and editor. Introduction In the US, Slack reigns supreme, but in Europe, Teams and other Microsoft products are used a lot among development teams. And unlike Slack for which integrations are pretty easy and well documented, it is hard to code something for Teams, even more so if you don’t want to use their overly abstracted Botframework library.