Deno Version Management
Table of Contents
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Deno is really nice! Version managers are nice too, they offer a way to have several versions of a runtime, dependencies installed at a user level, without breaking system runtime if any.
Here we will use one version manager to install the Deno runtime 😀.
Deno is a JavaScript/TypeScript runtime that can replace NodeJS, with the aim to be more secure.
Deno Runtime Installation
Standard Installation
There are a bunch of scripts to install the Deno runtime in the official documentation, depending on your operating system. Deno is written in Rust, so you can also install it with cargo, the Rust package manager.
The real topic of this post!
dvm (Deno Version Manager) is a version manager inspired by fnm, a fast NodeJS version manager.
You can get it from the GitHub release page or with opam if you work with OCaml, it is written in OCaml.
$ opam pin add dvm $ opam install dvm
For Windows, your best bet is probably the OPAM approach, or WSL.
It is not as mature as fnm, so what you have to do next is:
Install a Deno runtime
$ dvm install 1.1.3
Use the Deno runtime
$ dvm use 1.1.3
Add the Deno runtime to your PATH
Add this line to your shell rc:export PATH="$HOME/.dvm/current:$PATH"
Test the Runtime
Deno hosts an example file with a single line console log in it. You can test your runtime with it like this:
$ deno run